Saturday, November 8, 2008


I find myself now at home full time no longer working outside of the home. I love it. I feel like I can now find the time during the lulls of the day to work on goals. I prefer to not make goals for the new year, but rather goals to accomplish by the new year. A few of my current goals

1. Lose weight . . . that's always on the list . . . when will I learn that I need to make lifestyle changes rather than temporary eating and excercise habits. . . so I guess what my real goal is, is to eat more fruits and vegetables, excersize ( sp?) 3 times a week , and eat less processed food. . . I like this goal for the holidays, because it helps me say no to the second helpings of goodies that always seem to be so abundant this time of year . . .not to mention i have a ton of nice clthes that would fit great if i lost 15 or 20 pounds.

2. make my house a home . . . sounds silly, but i need my home to be more comfortable and inviting . .. . to me it seems so cold and uninviting. and i want my children (and their friends) to always feel safe , comfortable, and welcome . . . there are numerous things i plan to do to acomplish this . . . a few are. . .better decorating, more home made meals . . .and more meals without a tv to take the place of conversation. . . .. next house, i don't want a tv anywhere near the dining room table . . . i would change it now, but our tv is mounted to the wall, and we have speakers set in the wall around it. and i can't affords to re-drywall the living room right now. . . and i think matt wouldn't be to happy if i moved it.

3. a cleaner, tidier house . . really coincides with #2. i am working hard to keep my house clean, and i'm doing pretty well.... so far, i make sure there are no dirty dishes in the sink before i go to bed, and the counter tops are cleaned off . . . .since the kitchen has always been my trouble spot, this helps me keep up much easier with the rest of the house. . . i've been going a week on this one so far, and so far, so good. i have a schedule written up for the week of what needs to be acomplished that day to get the house to where i want it to be . . . i work well when i have a list of all that i need to do. i can check off the items, and see progress on paper.

4. attend enrichment meeting . . . 4 years ago i moved into a fast growing area, and made a few friends . . . the wards kept splitting, and i got tired of having to put forth the effort to meet new people (way out of my comfort zone) . . so i kind of gave up. . . the time has come for me to get out and meet people in the neighborhood . . . .easiest way to do that, is to go to enrichment meeting . . . . who knows , i may have fun or learn something new in the process.

5. life long goals(to keep in mind) . . . create memories for my children, establish family traditions, treat those i love as well and with as much kindness and respect, as i would give someone i just met. give my children the foundation they need so that they can gain knowledge and a testimony of their own, that first and formost they are children of a heavenly father who loves them unconditionally

I figure this list is reasonable and something i can make improvements on as i go through the day caring for the baby.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


while trying to find a fitting picture of Obama I ran across the anonymous comment on a random blog, and it perfectly reflects my feelings . . . . . .
" Most people do NOT realize that Adolf Hitler was overwhelmingly elected by the German political machine in a national election of the 1930's - in a democratic country, by the way! He was welcomed as a 'messiah' to the German people, as can be seen by the massive support that he received from the German people. It was only AFTER he attained power that things begin to change. It was at that time that his dissatisfaction with Germany became apparent. Obama is extremely dissatisfied with America, both he and his wife have no problem consistently stating this. Yet, all the while, they both live in the upper 1% of the social-economic class of this country. He appeals to the 'feelings' of dissatisfaction (just like old Adolf) that are so visible here in America. Obama is exactly like Hitler. Same methods, same speeches, same propaganda...hopefully not the same goals of world domination. I fear though that his primary goals are to force America into bankruptcy so that we'll have no choice but to surrender our sovereignty and be part of a New World Order."

one big question for me . . . .How long before he tries to justify going after our guns . . . and will we let allow him to succeed. One of the first things Hitler did was get rid of the guns . . .without guns, the people cannot protect themselves from their government. . . . I believe that we should live in a world where the governement is afraid of the people, not where the people are afraid of the government.

"It is useless to reopen wounds that seem scarcely healed;...useless to speak of guilt regarding men who in the bottom of their hearts, perhaps, were all devoted to their nation with equal love, and who only missed or failed to understand the common road." sounds nice doesn't it . . . . yea, It was Adolf Hitler that said that . . . okay maybe it doesn't sound that great, but it definitly doesn't sound like someone who is carrying out genecide. . . . Evil people try and win the hearts and minds of people with their words. . .. . Yet we learned in the book of Matthew ( chapter 7) " wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them", and "beware of false prophets which come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly they are ravening wolves" . . . this guy and his followers think he is the messiah . . . . I am convinced he has a deal with the devil. . . .He came out of nowhere . . . . he was a one term senator who didn't vote 80% of the time. . . . yet now he's the president. . . . I wonder if we are going to end up in Civil war by his second term . . .I never thought I would say this, but I wish Hilary Clinton would have won the Nomination . . .at least with her we would have a better idea of what she would do and what her policies would be . . .