Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Earth day or Hippie tree hugger day

so today is earth day . . . .. . why am I so opposed to this day . . . why do I roll my eyes every time I see some stupid promotional ad on tv talking about the environment. . . . I can tell you why . I looked up how earth day got started, and it was by some senator in the 60's and grew quickly from there.. so it was started by a government official, out of his government office, and supported by our government funded schools, and promoted by our media biased tv. ( can you tell I'm conservative yet ?) I don't believe in global warming ( oh, I can hear the gasps now ) here are a couple of reasons: 1. I don't think God is stupid and wouldn't plan for the earth to be resiliant. 2. I think the earth has it's natural fluctuations that we don't completely understand, because we only have records that go back so many years. 3. there are too many scientists that say global warming doesn't exist. ( I could go on about the science issue . . if you want a good watch, watch 'expelled - no intelligence allowed ' . . . awesome documentary about the scientific community. I think my biggest problem with earth day, is that it is so politically driven, that I am driven away from it. why don't they call it, beautify the earth day. or cleanup your junk day. or something a little less libral. I am not opposed to the idea of earth day. I quite enjoy planting flowers and vegetables and trees, and I like to have clean water and feel it is important to keep our water sources clean. I like to have our hyways be free from trash. and our air smelling good. . . . but I tend to rebel heavily from anything I feel is government or hippie funded. Maybe I'll start my own day, and I'll call it beautify day . . . in fact I think I will . I will have it in may, when you can actually start planting vegetable's at least, because it's after the last frost. . . . .Oh, I know I'm a nerd. I just get so irritated when i feel like I am forced to do things for a government party that I don't agree with. and if I don't agree with it, then I am a bad person.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

favorite cooking blog

this is my new favorite cooking blog it has lots of recipes that I can use . . .unlike most of the other blogs that have some weird stuff . . . . this one has lots of good everyday food. . . . . . I somehow randomly found this blog, the lady that writes it is the wife of one of the couselors of the bishopric way back when I was at ricks like 11 years ago . . . . it caught my attention because of the unusual - ness of her last name. . . . now I'm off to search it to find something to make for dinner

my new favorite TV show. .

I used to watch MTV cribs alot . . .I liked it. The novelty has worn off. the rappers and actors just started to all seem to have the same house. . . . . . they had one of two things. . . 1. a big house that was just that . . . .BIG! , or 2. a dinky condo that was a complete mess. I liked to look at the big houses, but it almost seemed like the people bought them because they were big. they put extravegant things in them that were pretty much useless . . . . solid gold toilet??? come on . . . a crapper's a crapper. Now don't get me wrong. . . I am not in any way against wealth. . . in fact I hope to someday be in that category myself. I just have a problem with wasted wealth. . . with that, I have found a new obsession. I like Teen Cribs. ( on MTV at 4. . . set your tivo today ) it showcases Homes of families with Teens, where the parents have geared a lot of the rooms in the house to entertain their children and keep their children at home. . they know where their children are, and have ample opportunities to get to know their childrens friends. . . .I guess the biggest reason I watch this show, is because Matt and I have that same attitude. We want our house to be the cool house that our kids and their friends hang out at. . . . that way we have some control over what is going on ( of course we would never have complete control, nor would that be healthy for our children. ) As much as I worry about Selene now, it's only going to get worse, and I will feel much better if the late nights are spent at our house. . . . .We have a pretty cool home theatre for starters( high def projector and screen measures 13 feet on the diagnal - much more affordable than one might think. ), someday we'll have more. But for now I am going to get some good ideas about what I want in my "dream" home by watching MTV's Teen Cribs. i'm such a nerd!!!!

Sunday, April 5, 2009


Matt is officially self-employed now. . an opportunity that we couldn't refuse came up thursday, and on friday morning, Matt quit his job. ( scary thing to do in this economy ) . . for the past 8 months, Matt has basically been working two full time jobs, one to support us, and then his own company to one day support us. On thursday a very-very large company( perhaps to be named later ) had a phone conference with matt, and offered some pretty amazing support via joint marketing and software development. The work will be hard and there will be just a many hours away from home ( for a while anyway ) as there was before, but I now have a husband who enjoys what he does. I am determined to be the supportive wife he needs for me to be in order for this to work. Matt and I both feel that this is the right thing for our family at this time. He is out right now installing something for a client at his old job, and when he comes home, he will officially be done with that place. If this new opportunity works out, in the long run, Matt will be able to spend more time at home than he would if he had a 40 hour a week job, we will hopefully have income more than sufficient for our needs, and will hopefully be able to help out family members. We will be able to get out of debt and build our food storage. I really would love to give you all the details, but I am afraid if I do, it may not work out. . . . .then I would look like a liar, and we don't want that.

On another note, our back yard is almost in. . . . If it would ever stop snowing, then we will have them come hydro-seed it. I need spring to be here . My mom made Selene a really cute easter dress. . . . I will post pictures of it next week after she wears it and I actually take pictures. I've been experiementing with my camera, and I am finding some really great settings on there that make my pictures look better. notice how she is more the focus in the picture, and the background is blurred. . . . . I like it.

Oh, and Selene is finally teething. . . . friday night, she was up every few hours, the only relief for her was tylenol. poor thing. . . Her two bottom teeth are coming in at the same time. . . .Last night she did sleep though the night though. it looks like one of her teeth has broke though her gums finally, if not, it's so close to the top, that it looks like it's broken though. My sister in law gave me 3 boxes of clothes for Selene. it's so nice, I'm not going to have to buy her anything at this point until she's like 2 1/2 . gotta love hand me downs.

Oh, and I found that if you like the hair bows you can buy at the kiosks in the mall, there are great instructions on Youtube ( the hairhardware ones are the best . .) . . . and you know those cute gerber daisy's that people put on their baby headbands. . . . easy to make, I make 4 of them last week . . . I just went to Roberts and found 4 gerber daisies that looked pretty flat, then I pulled the flower part off of the stem and glued them down to a clip . . . really easy and super cute. I'll post pictures of all of those later too . . . I'm too lazy to go take pictures of them now. I still need to practice making the bows, as they don't look quite right still, but I will I'll get it down here pretty soon. My goal is to have them looking like this