Monday, May 19, 2008

The best cure for Morning Sickness

so very early in my pregnancy, I was pretty sick. . . I was throwing up a lot, couldn't keep anything down, and was loosing weight like crazy ( normally a good thing, but not so much when you are hoping for a healthy baby). When I went to my first doctors appointment, they gave me a whole packet of information. One of the papers said to try 'Unisome' tablets to help ease morning sickness. ( along with b12 or b6 . .. can't remember which) I take 1/2 of a Unisome tablet at night before I go to bed, and it has cut the severity of my morning sickness in half. . . I still threw up about once a week until 20 weeks, but I was able to actually eat food, and I wasn't constantly nausious unless there was a weird smell in the air. it has been a life saver and I will definitly use it again. . . . .pretty inexpensive too. I can get a pack of 36 tablets ( that lasts me for 72 days ) for about 8.00 at Walmart. Unisome is a over the counter sleep aid. I guess how it works, is it relaxes your central nervous system, so that you are less apt to nausia. . . . If you think it is worth a try, talk to your doctor first. . . . . cause I don't know your medical history, and there may be a good reason why you shouldn't try it.

short history of my pregnancy

Morning sickness from weeks 5 - about 20

0 weight gain last time they told me . ( they don't usually tell me cause I don't ask ...don't really want to know). . . . gaining as fast as I'm loosing . . . until the doctor says something about it, I'm going to assume that everything is still okay.

easiest foods for me to eat: Slim fast . . .recently switched to Carnation Instant breakfast . . . . for some reason, cold drinks are easy to get down. sucking on candy, or chewing gum also helped a little bit with nausia, raw veggies , steamed broccolli, ice cream, milk shakes , salad,

bad foods for me while I'm pregnant: Potatoes, ( including fries sadly . . . the smell just makes me want to run away) , orange juice , soup , bread ( for the first 18 weeks anyway) , rice, Pizza

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

The Young Women in my ward are raising money for Girl's camp. . . .they offered to make and deliver chocolate covered strawberries for Mothers Day . . . My wonderful Husband Signed up, and Yesterday, I got a nice big box of chocolate covered strawberries and Pretzles. .. . My husband must love me a lot. . . . I love chocolate covered strawberries . .As I was finishing them off today ( yeah, it doesn't take me long ) I told him that it reminded me of our Wedding night. .. . .at the suite at the hotel, was a huge tray of chocolate covered fruit . . . so now everytime I eat something like chocolate covered strawberries, I remember our wedding day. . . Its Great!!!!! Today I am happy and feel like everything is going to be okay. I am feeling relaxed, and I am not feeling anxiety about the baby ( I worry a little too much about how we are going to support her) Maybe I should have taken a picture of the strawberries to put on here . . . needs more pictures I know.. . . . better luck next time.