Wednesday, February 25, 2009

30 things about me you may not know.

1. I like guns.. . . .a lot . they are a lot of fun to shoot. and I have no problem shooting someone if I am protecting myself or my family. I own a .45
2. I'm a pretty good cook. . . . I think so at least. and I love my taste of home cookbooks, and my lionhouse cook books. . . they're Great!!!
3. I'm pretty good playing the piano, and I really enjoy doing it, but find that I don't have the time I used to now that there is a kid around. in the next house, I plan to get a grand piano.
4. I want to learn to play the cello. . . more than just "want", I obsess about it. I took violin lessons for two years while in college and loved it, but now I need a new instrument. and the cello is it.
5. I am in the process of writing a book. . . may just be for my own posterity, but it is a way for me to have a creative outlet.
6. I am very conservative, and get very angry when people's view points don't match mine. . . I don't see why they don't see things the way I do and why they don't prioritize the sanctity of life like I do.
7. my favorite vacation spots are las vegas and disneyland.
8. I need to lose married weight ( I don't have pregnancy weight, I have married weight) I was in great shape before I met my husband . . .I was running 3 miles every single day, but then I met him and he didn't want to ever go running with me, and I was afraid I would lose him to someone else if I didn't put the time in . as a result, I have gained a bit of weight that is probably going to take a year to get off.
9. I worry about my baby dying or getting hurt really bad, or someone stealing her. . . it scares me a lot, to the point that I have nightmares about it.
10. me and my husband are "that couple" that everyone says, ' she's so nice, how did they end up together '. . . .people either hate my husband or they love him.( it tends to fall down political lines ) . . . and I love that about him .
11. I like to look on and imagine 'what if' the houses for sale were mine. . . I like to look at the decor and the furnishings, and the landscapes.
12. I wouldn't trade my problems for anyone elses. . .I have plenty of problems, but I'm glad I don't have other people's problems.
13. I really like my floors clean, I can't stand walking on a kitchen floor that has crumbs all over it, or that is sticky.
14. we are a shoes on house. ( you can keep your shoes on if you so desire) Matt always hates it when people want you to take your shoes off when you go to their houses, ( I make him do it anyway, especially if they have new carpet ) so he made me promise that we would never have that rule at our house. . . I like that rule though. . . . . those people have decently clean carpet.
15. I love to listen to Dr. Laura, and I agree with about 90% of what she says. her book 'the proper care and feeding of husbands', changed my relationship with matt . . .in a really good way.
16 . I think Sean Hannity and Rush Limbough are AWESOME!!!
17. I'm very scared about the direction this country is headed. . . glad I cashed out my 401k when I only lost 25% . . . .if I cashed it out today,. I would have lost 50%
18. our entire wedding cost less than $3,000 . . that includes a dress for me and a suit for matt and both of our rings, lucheon and two receptions.
19. i wouldn't be too sad if we moved . . . never really felt like we fit very well into the ward or neighborhood . If we were to move but stay in utah, I would love to live in the highland alpine area, or davis county area , or lehi - american fork area. those would be my top choices( we change houses more often than we change cars, so it's not really out of the question.
20. i know how to build an emergency fallout shelter .
21. i have a hobby of researching ways to live, if the country completely fell apart and we had to be completely self sufficient. . . . I'm so weird!!!
22.there are things i am trying to teach my child extra early, but i don't tell anyone what i am doing because i think they will think i am a complete nut job. . . ( I always tell my mom though, because she will tell me right off the bat if I'm doing something completely unreasonable.
23. I wish I was more of an extrovert
24. if people come to the door, and I peek through the slats of the blinds and see that they are holding a clipboard and there isn't a delivery truck parked out front, I don't answer the door. . . we get a ton of salesman here.
25. I want to be a really amazing mom. . . . one that my kids friends tell my kids . . .'your so lucky, your parents are cool'. and I'm not talking about being the type of parent that tries to be their kids best friends, I'm talking about the parent that talks to their kids, disipline's their kids fairly, sets reasonable boundries, has reasonable expectations of their kids. I want my kids to want to be at home. I want their friends to like to be at our home. and to feel comfortable there.
26. I don't really like central vac. . . it's kind of a pain dragging those hoses all over the house. . . i do like the under the counter kick plates though. . . those come in really handy. I wish I had a real vacuum. I would totally use it more than the central vac.
27. I want to have a lot of kids, but I think i got too late of a start. . . so I am hoping I can have at least 4. ( I guess some people would say that is a lot . . . )
28. my weekly playlist of shows are: jon and kate plus eight, 17 kids and counting, little people big world, biggest loser , house, bones, 24, american idol, the simpsons , robot chicken ( don't let your kids see this one ), the soup, kids by the dozen, chelsea lately, heros, lost, chuck, south park ( don't let your kids see this one either), the girls next door , dollhouse, terminator, the office, kath and kim, supernatural ( gives me nightmares sometimes), my name is earl, lie to me, desperate housewives, and stargate . . . sounds like a lot of TV huh . . . . yeah, it is. good thing we DVR our shows. we usually start watching TV about 8, and we are done by 11. so it's really not that much. especially when you skip through all the commercials. ( how do we get all these shows you ask. . . . we have 4 HD over the air tuners, and 1 satelite tuner. pays to have a husband that is a geek.
29. when I drive past houses, I wonder what their lives are like. what they do for a living, what their daily routine consists of. If they are happy. gosh, I'm like a stalker or something.
30. I hate doors that have the wood dividers in them so that it looks like there is a whole bunch of individual panes put together. . . . I can't get them decently cleaned ever, and we have three doors with them. . . .they look terrible. maybe I should just have them frosted.


Rochelle said...

Great answers! I didn't know you were runnning 3 miles a day! That's awesome!

Heather Freestone said...

well, the key there is that I 'Was' running 3 miles a day . . gonna find me a jogging stroller and start up again in the spring. I have found when I run, the weight comes right off.