Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Baby Girl is kicking

So yesterday, I woke up to some very strange sensations coming from my lower abdomen. I've felt the baby move before, but this was much stronger than I had ever felt before, and it was coming from the same spot. . . previously the baby's movements occurred in different spots every time she moved. I put my hand on my stomach, and I could feel her kicking it . . . this was a first. she kicked the same spot over and over again. I was just laying in bed, so I grabbed Matt's hand and put in on my stomach ( I grabbed it while he was asleep) she kicked his hand two or three times before he told me he could feel it. It was a great feeling. she has been very active and and with stronger kicks every day since. I love feeling her kick, because it reassures me that she is developing and progressing the way she should.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Pregnancy Dreams

So being about 24 weeks pregnant, I am amazed at the weirdness of my dreams. I won't go into too much detail about some of the ones I've had in the past, but I did have a really weird one last night. I dreamed that I had already had the baby, and Matt and I were in Idaho visiting my Parents. I went to church early for some reason, and then met my parents there. . . I knew that Matt was going to dress the baby and bring her a little later, but suddenly I realized that I didn't bring any clothes for her. Eventually my sister showed up, and I was talking to her, and she said that Matt was going to be late because he couldn't find any clothes for the baby. .. . finally they showed up and she was just wearing a diaper . I was very concerned, because she was so little and I knew she had to be very cold. . . I felt so bad for her, because I didn't plan for her needs on the trip. . . . then it ended. no thinking about it now, certainly she must have been wearing something the day before and I could have just had her wear that . . . . weird . . . .

Thursday, April 24, 2008

about me

since this blog is going to be lacking for a while, I am going to steal ideas from other's blogs. One of my favorite things is to start on someones blog, and start going through the links to other blogs. .. there are some really interesting people out there. . . . and if you go deep enough, you will sometimes find people you know. . . . I lurk a lot . . . . . . . any way Here goes:

10 Years Ago:In 1998
I was a Freshman at Ricks College really enjoying the college life and all that it entailed. I had such great roomates, and my college experience provided me with more socialization that I had ever experienced. . . .. and that was a lot of fun for me.

5 Years Ago : In 2003. ..
I had Just met Matt. . . .He was my neighbor in Midvale, and my roomate said I needed to meet him. . . She told me he was a computer person just like me. . . at this point I had gone out with way too many so called computer geeks, and I seemed to know more than all of them. . . . I found that annoying, because I don't consider myself very smart when it comes to computers. . ... . I told her her I wasn't interested. . . .I did end up meeting him, and he was different from all the others that I had met. ( He is hands down the smartest person I know . . . . He's a freaking Genius. . . . and I'm completely serious about that ) . For our first date He took me to a shooting range. . . . Not long after that, I bought myself a hand gun, because I loved it so much. the first christmas gift he bought me was a .22 rifle. . .. . . with a scope . .. so much fun. . . . not to worry, I get girly gifts too ( diamonds and pearls are always a good gift) We dated for two years ( forever long by utah/idaho standards) but dating for that long was the best thing for us. . . . by the time we got married, there were no surprises. We pretty much knew everything about each other. we had seen each other mad and we had seen how each of us reacted to stress. . . . with that, there was no doubt that marriage was right for us. He knew all my "secrets" and I knew all of his. I should probably put our entire dating story into a post . .

Things on my to do list today:
work( the kind I get paid for) , spend time with my husband

What would I do if I suddenly became a billionaire?
I would pay off our House, actually I would probably buy a bigger nicer one. . . there are a few things I would change on the current house. I would travel ( Disney land being at the top of my list, as that is my favorite place to go). I would throw a bunch in the bank to live off of for the rest of my life. Help Matt Start an R&D company ( what he ultimately wants to do with his life)

3 places I have lived:
1. Lehi, UT
2. Rexburg ID
3. Shelley ID

5 Jobs I have had:
1. BabySitter ( probably my favorite job thus far, although I'm sure 'mom' will trump it. ), - did this a lot during Jr high and high school
2. Envelope Stuffer for the Post Register for Two weeks. . .I did not get fired, it was just temporary
3. Maid at Super 8 Motel,
4. Computer Programmer for Farm Bureau.
5. feeding Calves on the dairy when I was in Jr High one summer ( I hated it . . . too hot outside. . .. and those calves can bite)

5 Things People Don't know about me:
1. I don't make friends easily. . . . ( I don't know what my problem is . . . but i'm working on it . . . I think I'm just too much of an introvert, so it takes a long time.)
2. I really want to learn to play the Cello
3. I enjoy cooking, and I'm actually a pretty good cook.
4. I think that a good Marriage can get you through anything. . . . Even when it feels as if the whole world is about to fall on you, if you have a good solid relationship with your spouse, life is a little more bearable. ( this one I know from experience )
5. I stress out about money . . . . . a lot.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

about time

This is sooo much better than Myspace. I finally have a blog. . . .I don't think anyone will read it, but it definitly serve as journal of my daily happenings. Since there is a baby on the way, this will make for a great place for the extended family to keep up on our happenings. While this blog may be really boring for now, I promise it will be much better once little girl is here. until then there will just be news about me and matt and the little girl soon to come.