Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The trouble with hair

So Selene has tons and tons of hair ( in the picture, you can kind of see that it is a couple of inches long, by looking at her ears ) . . I always thought hair on a baby was a good thing . . . . until yesterday . . . . You know how if you have long hair, and you are holding a baby, they tend to grab a tight hold on your hair, and the only way to get them to let go, is to pry their hands off of it . . Well, yesterday Selene started screaming, ( this girl is so good, she only cries when something is wrong , and this time she was SCREAMING!!! ) trying to figure out what the issue was, she had one of her hands behind her head. I kind of turned her around and there she was with her hand pulling hard on her own hair. . . . she was trying to move her hand away from her head, but the more she tried, the worse it hurt, and the louder she screamed. I had to pry her hand open so that she would let go of her hair, and once I did that, she was fine. Unfortunately for her, she did this 4 times . . . . I'm going to have to start putting mittens on her.


Amy said...

Oh my goodness poor baby! haha if I didnt feel so bad for the poor dear I would be laughing! aren't babies so funny sometimes!Ashton and Eli use to love to pet their heads/play with their hair. but their hairs wasnt THAT long, so they didnt get stuck in there like that! she is sooo precious

Jason and Laura said...

Congrats again Heather, it was great to see you & your beautiful baby! Hope everything is still going well :)