Friday, May 29, 2009

forever long

so it's been forever long since i have written on here . . . not really sure why. guess I'm just enjoying spring. . . I still haven't planted my garden, but I have watermelon and cantelope that I started inside that is doing quite well. pretty excited about that. Our back yard is coming in pretty good too. I went to Idaho last weekend to visit my family. . . Matt went to fish with his buddies while we were there. Got to see all the cute shumway neices and nephews that I adore . . okay so there is only one nephew right now, but it was still great to see everybody.

I've decided that I have to lose some of this weight, so Starting June 1st, I am going to be doing some massive excersize and diet . ( I don't beleive in doing it half way. . .if I'm going to do it, I'm going to do it all the way. ) I've done it before, so I know how to do it, so I am going to go pretty hard at it for 90 days, and then scale back to moderate excersize and healthy diet. the plan is to lose all the weight I've gained since I've known matt and all the weight I've gain since Selene was born ( Nursing makes me hungry and I like processed sugar . . . the combination of the two means weight gain ) . . I say 90 days, because at that point, We will be transfering selene to Cows milk and I may possibly be going off birthcontrol at that point ( we'll talk with the doc on that one first before any decisions are made . . . I'm not so sure my body has recovered from delivering Selene . I don't want to keep putting on weight with each baby, so I have to get rid of some of it so that I can have more healthy pregnancies/babies. Nursing and birthcontrol are not going to make it any easier, but I am pretty sure my body needs a bit more time before I get pregnant again, and I intend to nurse selene for a full year. which will be in just 3 months

sorry if this is too much information, I just think writing down my plan will help me remember it. and stick to it.

as far as Matt's company is concerned, not too much new information there, it is going really well, and growing quickly. they are currently looking at getting some investment. but don't hold your breath too much on that one. . . .we've been down that road too many times ( have had too many investors say they are interested and have multiple meetings with them , had them say yes, only to get scared and back out when it came time to sign papers. ) . . . .seriously too many times to count. but things are going pretty well, and are evolving pretty interestingly too.

Selene is still not crawling, but she is really close. . . . I'm not in any hurry, because I still have to baby proof this house and put up a gate at the stairs. she just rolls and scoots where she wants to go. she gets up on all fours, but can't quite figure out how to get the arms and legs to work together. in this particular picture, she went around the side of the couch, and started crying, she got caught up in the strap of the diaper bag. it was pretty funny.

okay, off to do laundry . . . . .


Rochelle said...

She's so cute! I'm glad you've decided to try to nurse for a year. My boys quit on me and I dried up, but my daughter went for 14 months (I did her adjusted age, cuz she was a preemie). I enjoyed every minute of it.

Jord and Jenn said...

Selene is so stinking cute. It was good to see you last weekend too! It has been forever.