Wednesday, July 15, 2009


I'm not so great at this blog thing . . . but here's an update . . . things with matt's company are really starting to pick up well. If all goes as planned, he will be getting a raise soon. ( don't hold your breath though ) We may also be getting a new piano. I am pretty excited about that. I have a little roland electric piano thing that I bought a few years after I moved to utah, that I will get rid of if that happens ( if I get my grand piano, and you want my old one, and are willing to come pick it up . . . it's yours ) . We are looking at grand piano's ( because that is what I love ) . and it will have to go in matt's office, and his office will move to one of the downstairs bedrooms. We are looking at probably a used steinway or a new boston. we'll see what I like and what we think is reasonable if and when this raise comes through. When we were looking, one of the sales people told me that while the steinways were nice, they would be compared to like a lexus, where his ( mason & hamlin - also very nice, but a third of the cost of a steinway ) was more comparable to a bentley . . . at that moment, I knew he was going to only tell me what he thought I wanted to hear in order to make the sale, and at that moment , I decided I was leaning more toward the steinway company . . . . . sorry, I'm a bit of a music geek sometimes.

We are also looking at upgrading to a ford expedition. ( I married into a ford family ... . my family just buys whatever they get a good deal on, but we seem to be all ford around here . . . I don't mind though . . . I like ford ) The tags on our explorer expire at the end of this month, and I know if I renew them, we will get a new vehicle like a week later ( we always seem to buy new vehicles right after we have put a bunch of money into the old ones. )

Matt is going to go to Hawaii on a business trip, and I may be going with him at no cost to me . . . . but I am having serious reservations about leaving my 11 month old . She will be with my parents, so she will be just fine, but I have trouble enjoying going on dates when she's home with a babysitter ( and we have some really great babysitters) , how am I going to handle being a plane ride away from her. we have to get her weaned onto cow's milk before then too. ( my mom told me it was time to wean her anyway when she heard I was still nursing her. . . ha ha ha ) ( she's just about 11 months old )

Selene is pulling herself up to standing position now, and she is crawling well. she also . . . . okay, I don't know what else I was going to say . . . . that's us for now.

1 comment:

Jord and Jenn said...

I know how you feel about leaving your kids. The first time I left Ayla with my parents for a trip was to Hawaii as well. Just to calm your fears, once you get there and are enjoying yourself you realize it isn't going to be so bad. I was really excited to see her when we got back though.