Wednesday, January 28, 2009

all about Matt

Yes I know it's been a while . . . the baby tends to keep me busy, and my free time it spent cleaning or reading other peoples blogs. . . but in honor of the month of february quickly approaching, I thought a post about matt would be suitable. . . . . Not only do we celebrate Valentines day, but, the following day, we celebrate matt's Birthday.

( ends up I need to take more pictures of matt . . . I don't have very many. . . .This one is from christmas 2007, but before I found out I was pregnant. . . My SIL had just had her baby a few weeks before ) . . . Ps, what is up with my hair ??????? Matt is the one next to me if you didn't guess already. ( behind my mom )

WHAT IS YOUR HUSBANDS NAME? Matthew Emerson Freestone



HOW OLD IS HE? will be turning 29 on February 15th. . . . 1 1/2 years younger than me.


WHO CAN SING BEST? Probably me, but if there is a britney spears song on, he is really good at matching his voice to hers. . . No , he's not gay,

WHO IS SMARTER? no question . . .Matt . . . He's a freaking Genius . . . . he knows just about everything about everything.


WHO PAYS BILLS? He does . . . It stresses me out too much, and he would rather I be happy than stressed out.

WHO SLEEPS ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE BED? Matt ( if your laying on the bed )

WHO MOWS THE LAWN? I really enjoy doing, but I was pregnant last year and so he took it over.

WHO COOKS DINNER? Me, unless I am in the first half of a pregnancy, then matt has to do it.

WHO'S FIRST TO ADMIT THEY ARE WRONG? Me, no question ab out it. . . .

WHO KISSED WHO FIRST? He kissed me first.

WHO WEARS THE PANTS? definitly him, unless he's done something to really make me mad. then I take the pants.

Monday, January 5, 2009

4 month appt.

Today I took Selene in for her 4 month appt. she was 25 inches long and 15 pounds 2 ounces ( 75th percentile for both ) her head was in the 90th percentile . . . crazy kid has always had a big head . . . I'm hoping that means lots of brains like her dad. they gave her 4 shots, and for the first two she didn't cry, but the third and fourth were just two much, and then I felt really bad for her as she was screaming for help. . . .as soon as the last shot was given she stopped crying and was very cuddly. . . I love that part.

What a Dweeb am I . . . I was telling Matt how I wouldn't pay $4 for a dozen cookies, but then I asked him to buy me this barbie princess cookie. . . . .it cost a dollar. . . for one cookie. . . . not near as tasty as it looked. . . I never did finish it. homemade or lofthouse sugar cookies beat smith's bakery cookies hands down.

Sunday, January 4, 2009


let the bad habits begin. . . I think I mentioned it before. but here is the documentation. . . she has begun to suck her thumb . .. the good news is, she's pretty muched stopped on her own. if she's really hungry or she is having trouble going down for a nap, then she will suck on it. but other than that, she doesn't really touch it. . . instead she puts everything else in her mouth.

selene is starting to notice things around her. . . I found her like this a few weeks ago. . . she's never really cared about the mobile until now. . . she sat like this for like half an hour just watching it go around and around.

she really likes watching TV. I will lay her down on the floor, and leave her there and she will use her legs to turn herself so that she can see the TV. . . it's pretty funny. in the mornings, when I am nursing her, she will stop and twist her body around so that she can watch TV. . . .not so funny when I am in a hurry. ( I had a picture of her and matt both staring at the TV, but I need to get my husband some longer pajama shorts . . . . not sure it's very appropriate for me to broadcast to the world my husbands religion )

when I make a low mono-tone humming sound, she starts to cry . . . It's really funny. ( is that bad that I kept doing it over and over again so I could get a picture. . . .) she'll appreciate it when she's older.

In 2008 in Matt's family. there were 4 little girls born. . . first we have zoey who is 3 months older than Selene, then we have Selene, then we have Evie, who was born on the same day as Selene but a little later in the day, then we have the youngest of the 4, Tanya, who is I think a little less than a month younger than Selene and Evie. I am going to make a few predictions. . . .these girls will grow up to be good friends, or these girls will hate each other ( highly unlikely), or these girls will like each other, but if there is more than two of them together, they may not get along so well and will form cliques ( I say this is most likely. as has been my childhood experience. . .. three's a crowd when it comes to family)

for christmas this year we had most of matt's family at our place and it was great to spend time with them. I am hopeing that we can continue to do this every few years. . . It will probably get harder as the families grow and but hopefully we will be able to arrange for it every few years. . . . ( I am hopeing that someday we will have a really big house so we can continue to host it even with lots of people. . . I think that the memories these family get togethers will provide for these kids will be priceless.

Saturday, January 3, 2009


Can I just tell you I have the best baby in the world. she lets me sleep in until at least 8:00 am every morning ( this morning, it was 9:00). I think that she does wake up during the night, but I think she keeps herself entertained, until she falls back to sleep. Sometimes I find her on the opposite side of the crib. Yesterday I put her down for two naps. . . she never cried. I just put her in her crib and covered her up, and she went right to sleep and for one of her naps, she slept 3 hours. to this day. . .this girl still doesn't really cry a lot. When we have a lot of company, she gets a little out of her element and doesn't want to take naps, and wants to be held a little more, and if I hold another baby, she becomes very clingy, but even then she is still pretty good. I have found that the more relaxed and not-stressed I am, the easier Selene is. She hasn't started rolling over yet, but she has started scooting herself around a little bit on her back using her feet. On monday we have her 4 month check up . .. I am convinced she will have high percentages. she is fitting into clothes for a 9 month old. . . . what's up with that. I will post pictures soon. I have a lot from christmas when we had most of matt's family over.